Saturday 16 February 2019

Jobs For People Who Love Cannabis

We are all well aware of how fast the cannabis industry is growing nowadays. I mean, look at the facts people; cannabis is now legal for medicinal purposes in over 30 states, and almost all of those have legalized marijuana for recreational purposes as well. While there are some states, like Idaho and Texas, that have been very stubborn when it comes to legalizing medical marijuana in a significant way, it is safe to say that we have made a lot of progress over the last decade. With that being said, I think that it is important to point out all the opportunities that lay ahead for people that want to work in the marijuana industry (now that it is legal). Everyone’s first thought when they think of working in the mariuana industry is just selling it on the street corner or something like that. Maybe that’s how it used to be, but not any more.

Nowadays, marijuana is becoming a very regulated, lucrative, and inclusive industry with lots of options opening up for people on the job search. The idea of a job related to the cannabis industry would have been looked down upon even 10 years ago - however, it can bring you some serious cash and a lot of colleges and universities are beginning to develop courses based around the cannabis industry. After all, every industry needs professionals of some sort! With that being said, I wanted to take the time to talk about some of the opportunities for anyone looking into a career in marijuana. The great thing about getting into the cannabis industry right now is that there will always be job security, as this industry continues to grow upwards. We can look forward to when marijuana is made federally legal, and we will then be seeing even more job opportunities open up on a regular basis. So let’s talk about actual jobs in the cannabis field (no pun intended).

The first career path that is in great need is a cannabis horticulturist. If you are not sure what a horticulturist is, it’s basically just a fancy word for plant scientist. These are the people who know everything there is to know about the cannabis plant on a chemical level and will be familiar with every stain and type of cannabis: whether it’s sativa, indica, or ruderalis. These horticulturists mostly begin doing their work at home with their own research and marijuana plants to work with. However, state legislation has created new demand for high-end cannabis horticulturists as each state begins to flesh out its medical marijuana programs. Who ever said pot wouldn’t take you anywhere? Scientists who know all there is to know about the marijuana plant are going to be in great demand in the coming years.

Another job that one interested in marijuana could pursue is a master extractor. This type of career path would perhaps entail a degree in chemistry or biology, making sure that you know all there is about the marijuana plant. A master extractor would work closely with marijuana plants to extract oils that can be used to make tinctures, concentrates, and various other liquids that can be used for cannabis consumption. There is going to be a huge demand for this job as we see an increase in the amount of people preferring to use marijuana through concentrates and tinctures. There are already some extraction technician trainings available at trade colleges in states like California and Colorado, where weed has been legal for quite some time. This is a good sign that these jobs will be in demand in other states soon to come.

Friday 13 July 2018

Is Delta-8 Really So Bad?

For those of us who carefully follow the marijuana industry in our state, it’s no secret that certain government agencies in this country just don’t want to see us win. Fortunately, most states are finally hopping on board in allowing medical marijuana in the form of CBD at the very least, but it appears we still have a ways to go when it comes to any form of cannabis in a stronger medical or recreational sense. If you are familiar with ‘cannabis lite’ products, then you have definitely heard of something called Delta-8. What is Delta-8? It’s basically a form of CBD that still has some THC, the psychoactive component in cannabis.

However, the Texas Department of State Health Services has recently made the awful decision of completely outlying Delta-8. In fact, the state has decided that any form of THC in cannabis is to be outlawed. Trying to order your cannabis online from an out-of-state dispensary? Too bad. Ordering Delta-8 online is now a felony offense in the state of Texas. So if you live in Texas and what your fix of Delta-8 is, you’re pretty much out of luck my friend. This ban is somewhat surprising, especially as Delta-8 has become quite popular among the cannabis community; plus, it has been legal for quite some time without any problems. However, Texas has decided that all cannabis products with THC are out of the question.

If you have any leftover Delta-8 products in your bedroom or bathroom cupboards, you best clean those out now and get rid of the evidence! The penalties for Delta-8 possession in Texas are also pretty steep. This is surprising to me, especially because Delta-8 was seen as completely legal before this ban. Basically, the state of Texas will treat Delta-8 cannabis possession the same as Delta-9 marijuana. The same policies also apply to any sort of distribution or retail of Delta-8 products.

Anybody possessing THC in any form or potency in the state of Texas can now face some serious legal consequences. As per the Texas Department of State Health Services, these are the following criminal penalties for controlled substance use (yes, this now includes Delta-8 THC): a class C misdemeanor charge and a $500 fine with no jail time (for possession of paraphernalia), as well as a class B misdemeanor which can lead to 180 days in jail and a $2,000 fine (for possession of up to two ounces of cannabis).

Is there a future for cannabis laws in Texas? Maybe - it’s hard to say. However, there was a vote for House Bill 441 that received a 7 to 1 majority in favor that would reduce the penalty for possessing marijuana to a class C misdemeanor that would entail a $500 fine and no jail time. In my opinion, this is only a small step in the right direction. The fact that all types of THC have been completely outlawed in the state of Texas is beyond me. I believe that there are a lot of other Texas citizens out there who feel the way I do as well.

It is written that a good majority of Texas residents are in support of legalization. However, that still leaves a lot of people left who are completely not in favor of legalizing cannabis. While psychoactive forms of cannabis are clearly not going to be allowed in Texas for a good while, consumers can still regularly buy their CBD just like the old days. In my opinion, the state of Texas did all of us medical marijuana users dirty by outlawing Delta-8. However, it seems like there is really not a whole lot that can be done at the moment.

Friday 24 March 2017

How To Stop Stressing With Cannabis

Stress is a part of all of our lives at some point. Everyone has experienced stress at some point; however, some people deal with a lot more stress than others. Stress can be created by a variety of factors in our lives, and sometimes our stress can get to points that we cannot control. When this happens, stress can have really bad effects on our body. Most Americans would testify that their stress levels increased recently when the full force of the pandemic hit. People were stressed about their own health, economic stability, and just being able to get through the day. It’s no wonder why many people started to look for various ways to manage and treat their stress. For some people, this meant turning to cannabis as a way to relieve stress and anxiety.

There is a reason that marijuana sales so heavily increased during this year. The problem with stress is that it can affect the body in a lot of different ways and manifest itself in some serious physical and mental problems. Stress is basically like any other health condition in that sense. When we as humans experience overwhelming amounts of stress, it can set off chemicals in our body that tank our immune system, prevent us from sleeping, and prevent us from doing our day to day tasks as effectively. Also, there is research that shows high levels of stress contributing to the risk of serious medical conditions like cancer, parkinson’s, and diabetes. So what do we do with all of our stress? Well, that depends on what kind of stress you are experiencing. The thing to keep in mind is that certain levels of stress are normal; stress can help us focus on important tasks and work effectively and efficiently to get things done. However, hyper stress occurs when we face an overwhelming amount of stress on a regular basis that keeps us from being able to function properly.

So what can cannabis do for you when it comes to stress? For starters, it is important to keep in mind that cannabis is a drug and should be used responsibly and appropriately. Some people like to turn to a few drinks when they get stressed; however, the problem with drinking alcohol is that it’s a depressant and is likely to not make you feel any happier. How can you function properly when you are drinking alcohol just to get through the day? The great thing about cannabis is that it can often make you feel even more energetic and uplifting than you were before. How is this possible? Doesn’t weed make you super tired and out of it? Well, we have to remember that there is a huge difference between different types of strains. Indica strains of cannabis are what most people think of when they think of marijuana.

This is the type of strain that will make you extremely calm and relaxed and put you right to sleep. However, in some cases this might not be the best strain for dealing with stress. After all, we want to be able to function throughout the day without facing the effects of chronic stress. Sativa strains are great for these exact reasons. Sativa strains of marijuana can help you to feel super happy and relaxed, even if you are having a really bad day and feel extremely overwhelmed. Plus, sativa doesn’t really put you to sleep in the same way that other marijuana strains do. Sativa is actually very effective for daytime use because it can give you a boost of happy energy. Plus, these strains can even help you to feel more creative and intelligent when you are working on tasks and solving problems. 

Friday 17 March 2017

How To Use Marijuana Concentrates

So you’re just getting into marijuana huh? Well, there are a few things you should know about cannabis before you get completely settled in. First of all, there are lots of different ways that you can consume marijuana besides the generic smoking of a bong or pipe. For many people, edibles have become one of their favorite ways to get high and relax after work. Others, in contrast, prefer dabbing with terp pearls and marbles. Never heard of those things? Well you have come to the right place my friend. Concentrates are a type of marijuana that have become very popular among the most serious potheads nowadays.

Concentrates are basically super potent doses of cannabis that can contain very large amounts of THC. For all of you out there who have been getting mixed results from smoking or edibles, concentrate might surprise you with the best high of your life. However, it is important to mention that dabbing is one of the more complicated ways to consume marijuana and can take a little bit of practice. To use concentrated forms of cannabis, you have to have a special rig that will heat the concentrate into a vapor that can be inhaled. This can be a bit complicated because you don’t want to make the rig too hot and burn your concentrate, but you also need it to be hot enough to actually inhale. So in this article today we will be talking about terp pearls and marbles, which can be a solution to any of you who have thought about branching out into the world of dabbing your marijuana. 

Do you know what terp pearls are? Most people may have heard of them or seen them at the dispensary but don’t really know what they are. Basically, terp pearls can help you moderate the temperature better when you are using a dabbing rig. Like I said earlier, the hardest part about dabbing is getting the temperature right. People have begun using these little inventions to help create a slower burn for their dabbing rigs, which means that you are wasting less concentrate and losing fewer terpenes in the process. So how does it all work? What do I need to do to get started? Well, most of us already have a bong that we know and love. It’s like that special relationship you make with your car or your wallet - you know all it’s ins and outs.

We strive for that kind of relationship with our dabbing rig as well. If you do already have one that you love, then you can get something called a quartz bangersr that will help get used to using terp pearls and help you inhale your concentrates. Quartz bangers  are small extensions that fit on the end of your pipe where you normally pack the bowl of weed. Of course, there are a variety of sizes to match the variety of bowls that you may have collected over time. With that being said, it may be helpful to make sure that you are getting the right size quartz banger that will fit your pipe. Maybe it’s time to bring your whole rig into the dispensary with you, or just buy a new rig with a quartz banger of respective size. Either way, you will definitely start to notice the improved results from using this thing right away. You will experience a stronger high and a more pronounced terpenes flavor that we all love to get out of your dabs. I hope that this article has been helpful to all of you out there, enjoy your terp pearls and marbles responsibly!

Thursday 2 February 2017

Interested In Cannabis Topicals?

The fast-changing marijuana market is sure to have the right consumption method for you; some people prefer vaping their cannabis, while others enjoy edibles, bongs, or other various methods of consuming cannabis. However, topicals are quickly becoming a very popular means of consuming marijuana. If you are interested in cannabis topicals, then this is the perfect article for you to be reading. This article will serve as a means of providing you with some information about cannabis topicals and what you need to know when getting started.

By all means, I hope you can find some relevant information in this article that will help you to enjoy your medical and recreational marijuana! I know that I have. Anyways, I first wanted to talk about some of the important things that you need to know about cannabis topicals, and why you should always consider trying products before you buy them (yes, I’m serious). When asked or inquired about cannabis topicals, most people would visualize some sort of cream or ointment. While this may be a part of cannabis topicals, there is actually a lot more involved and there are many different products available for you out there. Basically any medical dispensary you go to will have cannabis topicals, so you really don’t need to worry about their availability if that is something on your mind.

There is honestly a huge selection of cannabis topicals. Some help you feel more relaxed, while others help to condition your skin. Moreover, there are even some topicals that provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. There are so many health benefits from cannabinoids that your body can experience once they have been absorbed into the skin, there is really no way that you can go wrong with topicals! Some other products that you may find at a dispensary near you include shampoos and conditioners, hair oils, nail products, soaps, bath oils, cosmetics, face masks, and much more.

Perhaps you are in great need of a day to yourself, or you need to seriously up your self-care game. If that is the case, then some of these cannabis products may be perfect for you. It is also worth mentioning that foot care is very important for people living with diabetes. Luckily, there are various cannabis hydrating lotions and foot creams available for people struggling with neuropathy problems that may cause damage to the skin and nails. Cannabis-infused foot cream can help reduce infections and inflammation by dealing with the dryness in the skin. It’s a win-win! 

If you are a bit skeptical at this point about the importance or effectiveness of cannabis topicals, I would like to share a few key concepts with you. Firstly, cannabis products absorb through the skin quickly where CB2 receptors bind with CBD. Your skin is full of CBd receptors that are just waiting for the sweet relief of the cannabinoids found in cannabis-infused topicals. This creates very effective and efficient localized relief in the areas that you need it most. And before you even ask; becoming high from cannabis topicals is extremely rare. Perhaps if you apply a large amount of cannabis-infused in a small area of broken skin, it could be absorbed in a way that could create a high. However, in most cases, these topical creams will only create physical and not psychoactive effects. 

It is important to keep in mind that these topicals are only available in states where medical marijuana is legalized. If that is the case, then you will likely find cannabis-infused topicals at any of local dispensaries. Most places have a wide variety of products that also have different potencies of creams, lotions, and oils to use for conditions from mild to moderate, or even severe.

Jobs For People Who Love Cannabis

We are all well aware of how fast the cannabis industry is growing nowadays. I mean, look at the facts people; cannabis is now legal for med...